When you are in the fortunate position to purchase any asset, several factors need to be taken into careful consideration to ensure that your new buy is an investment in the long run. We at PRBB take pride in the durability and affordability of our products and after-sales service.

Since Johan van de Wetering has taken over the established trailer business eight years ago, PRBB positioned itself as a leading supplier of a wide range of innovative, durable trailers offering a greater payload. PRBB’s success is to hold on to the core of its business: striving to go the extra mile in building long-term relationships!

“In terms of branding, this should be a company’s focal point, because people tend to buy from ‘people’. Although we have grown immensely — especially in 2021 — we will forever be thankful for and pride ourselves on the significance of our ‘word-of-mouth’ marketing. No marketing effort can ever compete against the testimonies of our happy clients. That is why we always value their input and feedback in moving forward,” says PRBB’s marketing manager, CD van Reenen.

Their people-first approach is also reflected by their streamlined, effective production lines which are in tune with the best international standards and practices. PRBB consists of a passionate workforce of approximately 150 dedicated team players with a massive output.

“Although we build a serious amount of trailers on a monthly scale, we still consider our company’s culture as intimate. A viable company is backed by a sustainable team that grows together.”

To build a strong legacy in the trailer business, we’ve learnt to draw the line between being sustainable and stagnation.

“Once you have a recipe that works, it is easy to get into a comfort zone where you only focus on vertical growth. Freight transport however requires innovative design and out-of-the-box thinking to make it both affordable to the client and the environment,” Van Reenen says.

PRBB: Made to last!

When you are in the fortunate position to purchase any asset, several factors need to be taken into careful consideration to ensure that your new

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SA trucking on the move

The trucking industry plays a pivotal role in die South African economy. It is a significant contributor to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and

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